Luxcontrol has all the approvals, accreditations and notifications needed to carry out its services. They are listed below according to our entities and fields of activities.


Luxcontrol SA

  • ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001: Quality, Environmental and Security Management System certification.

Luxcontrol ASBL

  • ISO 14001 and ISO 45001: Environmental and Security Management System certification.


  • Technical control office approved by the main Luxembourgish insurance companies for ten-year and two-year guarantee insurance.


  • Approved by the Ministry of the Middle Classes, Tourism and Housing as a recognized center for continuing professional education.

Environment & Laboratory

  • ISO/CEI 17025: International accreditation by OLAS (accreditation N° 1/005) as chemical laboratory.
  • Inspection body approved by the Ministry of the Environment for the execution of impact studies, audits, inspections, measurements, sampling and analysis.
  • Approved by the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Health for tests on the water and drinking water quality.
  • Approved by the Ministry of Economy to perform energy performance tests of buildings in order to obtain an Energy Performance Certificate.

Vehicle type approval

  • Technical service for automotive type approval designated by the Ministry of Transport.

Regulatory controls

  • Control and inspection body approved by the Ministry in charge of Labor and Social Security to carry out controls and inspections in the field of health and safety at work.
  • Control and inspection body approved by the Ministry in charge of Public Service and the Ministry in charge of Health for safety controls in the public service.
  • Control body approved by the Ministry of the Environment for environmental inspections of equipment and installations.
  • ISO/CEI 17025: Internationally recognized accreditation by OLAS (accreditation N° 1/003) for testing.
  • ISO/CEI 17020: Internationally recognized accreditation by OLAS (accreditation N° 3/001) as an inspection body.
  • ISO/CEI 17065: Internationally recognized accreditation by OLAS (accreditation N° 5/004) for product certification (pressure vessels, elevators).
  • Notified body by the European commission for the EU directives "Pressure Equipment" and "Lifts".


  • Luxcontrol informs its clients that the use of the OLAS accreditation symbol on our test or inspection reports covered by our accreditation scope does not imply that OLAS approves the tested/inspected product.
  • Reports are kept and can be consulted for 10 years.